Improvised Creatures

Welcome to a space at the intersection of art and research, showing creativity as a valuable form of intellectual exploration. This website, an extension of my thesis, presents a series of creative works that embody the sometimes ineffable and intangible forms of knowledge. Here, each creature is both a process and artifact of improvised imaginative experimentation, demonstrating the value of art and creative exploration as methods for producing new ways of knowing. This platform is an invitation to think and feel differently, to feel differently about thinking.

Most creatures that you will find here came to be prior to, or in tangent with, accompanying text and were inspired by various philosophies, non-fiction and science-fiction works, and theoretical concepts. All creative processes have served as methods to further inquiry, intensify experience, and deepen the conceptualization of ideas. There is no wrong way to engage with this site. Explore the sections as you see fit. Each creature is in process and will be worked with as I analyze data and write my thesis. Feel free to check-in periodically.